Tuesday 26 September 2017

Trading Online Expo 2010 Borsa Italiana

Gela: una sfida vinta. Ecco i RISULTATI Descalzi: ldquoQuello di Gela egrave Il Primo Grande Progetto trasversale e Integrato Che Eni Mette in campo in Italia per Costruire con il territorio un nuovo Programma industrialerdquo. Il Rapporto Locale di Sostenibilitagrave, Pubblicato per la prima volta, racconta Le nostre attivitagrave e Presenta i RISULTATI raggiunti. Tra monte, Verde Raffineria, risanamento ambientale e Valorizzazione del Capitale Umano. Eni si racconta Attraverso LEnergia: Il Futuro della Vita Tre docu-film Che andranno in onda sui canali di Discovery Italia e Su Eniday per Raccontare Il Nostro percorso Verso una STRATEGIA basso tenore di carbonio. Siamo Unimpresa dellenergia. Lavoriamo per Costruire un futuro in cui Tutti Passano accedere alle Risorse energetiche in maniera efficiente e sostenibile. Fondiamo Il Nostro lavoro Sulla passione e linnovazione. Sulla forza e lo Sviluppo delle Nostre Competenze. Sul Valore della persona, riconoscendo la diversitagrave venire Risorsa. Nella collaborazione Crediamo di Lungo Termine con i paesi e le comunitagrave Che ci ospitano. Sede Legale: Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1 00144 Roma Capitale Sociale Euro 4.005.358.876,00 i. v. Sedi secondarie Via Emilia, 1 e Piazza Ezio Vanoni, 1 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) C. Fiscale e Registro Imprese di Roma n. 00484960588 Partita IVA n. 00905811006La Comunicazione Unica dimpresa Registro Imprese, Agenzia delle Entrate, INPS, INAIL, Software SUAP FedraPlus per la COMPILAZIONE della Pratica Registro Imprese version Corrente 06.82.04 COMUNICA Starweb Il servizio per la COMPILAZIONE della Comunicazione Unica version 3.5.5 Corrente Lufficio on-line del Registro delle Imprese Impresa in un giorno La tua Scrivania telematica La posta certificata di Infocamere SPID Sistema Pubblico di identit digitale ICONTO Il Conto per i pagamenti verso le Camere di Commercio e le Altre Pubbliche Amministrazioni BENVENUTA IMPRESA I servizi camerali per limpresa digitale DIRITTO ANNUALE camerale Calcola e Paga on line La Pubblica Amministrazione per limpresa il motore dellamministrazione digitale Fatturazione Elettronica verso la Pubblica Amministrazione Fatturazione Elettronica verso la Pubblica Amministrazione Servizio InfoCamere ItaliaSicura La mappa dei cantieri antidissesto Soldi Pubblici scopri Quanto spende chi e per cosa. Il servizio delle Camere di Commercio per le PP. AA. per la VERIFICA dellautocertificazione dimpresa Servizi gratuiti per lo Sviluppo dellimpresa scopri venire internazionalizzare La tua impresa APRIRE Litalia AI CAPITALI e ai di TALENTI del Mondo Percorso per Creare Una start-up innovativa COLLABORARE per competere border0 Contratti di RETE Portale Che SOSTIENE La nascita e lo Sviluppo delle dimpresa RETI in Italia Qui PUOI cercare Gli Indirizzi PEC di Imprese e Professionisti Italiani UNIONCAMERE Unione Italiana delle Camere di Commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura Il Portale delle Camere di Commercio dItalia La rete degli Uffici Studi e statistica delle Camere di Commercio Registro delle Imprese storiche italiane Indice Nazionale dei Prezzi al consumo Classificazione delle attivit Economiche ATECO 2007 100 statistiche per Capire Il Paese in cui Viviamo Camera di Commercio di Sassari IL Registro delle Imprese nELLA GIURISPRUDENZA Raccolta delle pi Importanti Pronunce dei Giudici del Registro delle Imprese dal 1996 a poi. 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Tutti i Consigli per affrontare il trading online con Consapevolezza, Recensione dei Migliori Forex broker, scopri venire Guadagnare Attraverso il Mercato della compra vendita delle valute. ilforextrading. it Trading Cosa on-line si intende per trading on line, cosa il forex trading. Le strategie, i Segnali di Mercato, un guida forex per principianti e tutto ci Che c da Sapere per tariffa trading online con Consapevolezza. Tradingmania. it Trading Opzioni Binarie Trading Il Binario Il sito leader Nella Guida alle Opzioni binarie e al commercio di Binario, Completamente in italiano: Strategie Opzioni binarie. Tecniche Vincenti, Segnali di Mercato, opinioni di commerciante di Esperti, Consigli e Recensioni dei Migliori mediatore regolamentati CySEC. bassilo. it Confrontapoker Blog Specializzato nel confronto Delle di Migliori sale da poker Che operano nel territorio italiano con Regolare Licenza AAMS. Confrontapoker Droni on-line Hotel a Roma I Migliori Alberghi a Roma recensiti da personale delle Nazioni Unite Attento e minuzioso, appartamenti, residence, bb e albergo a roma Nelle Migliori Aree della Capitale, prenotazione on-line, Eventi a Roma, Informazioni Turistiche. Alberghiroma Realizzazione Siti Web Agenzia leader del web nel Posizionamento siti web, realizzazione siti web Professionali, siti web gestionali, siti web e-commerce, Sviluppo App, web marketing, social network e tanto altro, Affidati ai Migliori sl Settore. artematika. it Pronto Intervento un RomaCIO VBV Pensionskasse Gnther Schiendl è CIO e membro del consiglio del VBV Pensionskasse a Vienna, che gestisce un patrimonio di 6 miliardi e dove focus principale è la progettazione di previdenza, asset allocation e strategie di investimento. Fino al 2008 è stato a capo di investimenti al APK. Schiendl è anche membro del consiglio consultivo EDHEC-Risk e membro del consiglio di sorveglianza di GHS Senior Housing. Attualmente insegna sul fondo pensione ALM per il programma Analyst Certified International Investment. Schiendl detiene il grado di Master in Economia e Commercio presso l'Università di Innsbruck e detiene la denominazione europea Certified Financial Analyst. Vice direttore del Fondo europeo per gli investimenti Uli GRABENWARTER è Vice Direttore al Fondo europeo per gli investimenti supervisione attività EIFS ad investire Impact, Trasferimento tecnologico e Venture Capital. In precedenza è stato responsabile per EIF sviluppo strategico per l'equità e ha portato l'accumulo del Social Impact Accelerator, il primo impatto sociale paneuropeo investendo fondi di fondi. Dal 2010 al 2012 ha condotto un progetto di ricerca sull'impatto investire in collaborazione con IESE Università di Navarra (Barcellona) e il Circolo Fondazione Family Office in Svizzera, analizzando meglio-mercato-pratica per l'impatto investire in private equity e VC. Lui è un professore in visita presso IESE University. Fino al 2010 Uli stato Capo, Equity Fund investimenti al FEI e in precedenza aveva lavorato diversi anni presso la Banca europea per gli investimenti e la PWC in corporate finance, consulenza e revisione contabile. Egli è un membro del gruppo direttivo globale sull'impatto Investire creato nella continuazione della Impact G8 Investire Taskforce nel 2015. E 'autore di numerose pubblicazioni sugli investimenti impatto e il capitale di rischio e ha conseguito un Master in Economia e Finanza dell'Università di Graz . General Partner Partech Ventures Olivier è General Partner di Partech e delle attività più importanti in Germania. Olivier si è unito Partech nel 2015 con un track record internazionale di iniziative digitali come un venture capitalist, imprenditori, manager e consulente di MA. Ventures comprendono brands4friends, la principale società tedesca Flash vendite, in cui Olivier ha guidato l'espansione internazionale, la ristrutturazione della società e commercio vendita a eBay per 150 m. Olivier era precedentemente con Wellington Partners, una società di venture paneuropea-Capitale con sede a Monaco di Baviera e Londra con più di 800 metri in gestione. Prima di questo, Olivier ha contribuito alla creazione di Texas Instruments come leader nella sicurezza di chip per i telefoni cellulari. Ha iniziato la sua carriera in IBM, a New-York e Zurigo, dove ha partecipato allo sviluppo di un nuovo processore per cellulari 3G. Ha scritto numerosi brevetti. Olivier ha conseguito un MBA con lode presso INSEAD (FranceSingapore), con cambio alla Wharton Business School, e un Master in Telecomunicazioni presso l'EPFL (Istituto Federale Svizzero di Tecnologia), con scambi presso l'Università Tecnica di Berlino e Eurecom a Sophia-Antipolis . Fondatore Managing Partner Isomer Capitale Joe ha oltre 20 anni di esperienza di lavoro come un LP, GP e le operazioni di tecnologia esecutivo. Ha fondato Isomer per accedere primi opportunità tecnologiche fase attraverso impegni in fondi, co-investimenti aziendali, e fornire liquidità alle imprese e fondatori tramite acquisti secondari. Prima di Isomer Joe era MD per Business Development di Pomona Capital, una delle principali società secondari globale, e prima a Cambridge Associates incaricato di consigliare gli investitori istituzionali in 2 miliardi di investimenti di private equity. Joe ha iniziato la sua carriera nelle tecnologie dell'informazione operativo ruoli, in particolare a Invensys plc (la società Schneider Electric) negli Stati Uniti e in Europa. Ha ricevuto una laurea Elettrica e Ingegneria Informatica presso l'Università del Massachusetts, Dartmouth e un MBA presso la London Business School. Ralph Guenther, Partner, unito Pantheon nel 2011 e ha 18 anni di esperienza nel private equity. Ralph è Responsabile DACH mercati CEE per la squadra di Client Service Pantheon europea, e le fonti anche offerte per Pantheon squadra secondari. Ralph è stato in precedenza un Amministratore Delegato con bmp AG dove ha lavorato sul fondo di private equity di fondi e servizi di consulenza per clienti istituzionali. Ha una laurea in economia presso FU di Berlino. Dr. Fabian Heilemann è un serial-imprenditore digitale e investitore fase iniziale. Si è unito Earlybird nel 2016, quando Earlybird si è fusa con la sua ditta Heilemann Ventures. Ha oltre 16 anni di esperienza imprenditoriale, 8 anni nel settore digitale: Ha co-fondato il DailyDeal piattaforma di couponing alla fine del 2009 e venduto la società a Google Inc. nel 2011. In seguito hanno comprato l'azienda di nuovo, ristrutturato esso, preso a redditività e ha venduto una seconda volta per MenschDanke GmbH nel 2015. ha conseguito una laurea in legge (LL. B.) con lode presso Bucerius Law School di Amburgo. Partner KPMG Austria Michael Petritz è Partner Tributario presso KPMG e Responsabile Fiscale di Smartstart Austria (il programma di avvio di KPMG Austria). Si è specializzato in diritto internazionale fiscale, la fiducia e la pianificazione successoria, pianificazione delle successioni e imprese familiari. Egli è un membro nel comitato fiscale della Camera dei Dottori Commercialisti e dei consulenti fiscali, presidente di STEP Austria (Society of Trust e immobiliare praticanti) e docente e autore di pubblicazioni (internazionali) fiscali austriaca. Christoph unito Endeit Advisors GmbH come amministratore delegato nel 2012. Christoph stabilito Endeits presenza in Germania. Con sede ad Amburgo, è responsabile per occasioni nella regione DACH e oltre al Amburgo ufficio - trascorre il suo tempo in hub come Berlino e Monaco di Baviera. Prima di Endeit Advisors, è stato impiegato come Senior Associate a Internet MA boutique Corporate Finance Partners (PCP). Ha lavorato su più transazioni durante il suo mandato lì, tra gli altri la vendita di Smartclip a Adconion insieme a Martijn Hamann e la vendita di Albumprinter a Vistaprint insieme a Hubert Deitmers. Egli ha riunito PayPal e BillSAFE, un provider di pagamento della fattura, che stabilisce il giocatore numero uno in Germania in questo campo. Prima di lavorare per la PCP, Christoph ha completato il suo MBA presso HEC di Parigi (Imprenditorialità Finanza) e ha lavorato in due agenzie di pubblicità internazionali: Jung von Matt e Draft FCB. Christoph detiene anche una laurea in ingegneria in Media Comunicazione presso la City University di Londra. Correva la maratona di Amburgo, una volta ed è affamato di più. Managing Partner IQ Capital Partners Max ha lavorato in capitale di rischio dal 2001 e ha portato gli investimenti in più di due dozzine di start-up - tra cui fonetica Arts (Google), Neul (Huawei), Stillfront (IPO) e Sirigen (BD). Rappresenta attualmente IQCP sulle tavole di Grapeshot, fluidiche Analytics, Pensiero Machine e spettrale Edge e lavora con audio Analitica, desktop Genetica e Focal Point come observeradvisor bordo. Ha conseguito una laurea in Economia e Commercio presso l'Università del Maryland e un MBA presso l'Università di Cambridge. Max gode Nel suo tempo libero kayak acque bianche, volo a vela e moto a cavallo. Max è un membro del InvestEurope Venture Capital del Consiglio (ex EVCA). Benedetto Rodenstock è CEO e fondatore di ASTUTIA, una boutique di investimento con sede a Monaco specializzata in investimenti diretti in aziende in crescita di Internet, soprattutto nella zona di lingua tedesca. ASTUTIA detiene circa 15 investimenti, tra cui gemme come, 99chairs, Roq. ad, e internations. Storie di successo del passato sono di Mister Spex, Dreamlines, e Fashionette. L'azienda festeggia il suo decimo anniversario quest'anno. Fino ad oggi, gli investimenti sono stati finanziati dall'ufficio famiglia. Attualmente, ASTUTIA sta sollevando un fondo. Benedicts ex datori di lavoro includono Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, more. de (una filiale di Web. de), e Hubert Burda Media. Benedetto conseguito un diploma (laurea) in Storia Contemporanea presso l'Università di Bologna (Italia), un certificato in Tecnologie Internet da New York University (USA), e un Master in Business Administration (MBA) presso l'Università di San Gallo (Svizzera) . Benedetto è Monaco di Baviera-nato, ma un cittadino del mondo, dopo aver visitato 50 paesi e la padronanza 5 lingue. E 'sposato con un figlio di tre anni. Nel suo tempo libero scarse, Benedetto gode di arte contemporanea (è presidente di Kunstclub13, un club d'arte a Monaco di Baviera) e sport di montagna, in particolare la mountain bike e lo sci. Socio Fondatore SET Ventures Rene Savelsberg è co-fondatore, CEO e Managing Director di SET Ventures dal 2007. È responsabile per le operazioni di strategia e complessive dei fondi istituiti. Il suo obiettivo è quello di aziende nei settori della smart grid, efficienza energetica, trasporti e infrastrutture. Fa parte del Consiglio di MicroShade AS e Sonnenbatterie GmbH ed è osservatore nei consigli di generale Fusion. Inoltre ha fatto parte del Consiglio di Epyon che è stata acquisita da ABB nel giugno 2011 e AlertMe che è stato acquistato da British Gas nel 2015. Nel 1995 Rene è stato determinante nello stabilire e ampliare la Philips Multimedia Center in California, con l'attenzione per l'incubazione nuovo business iniziative all'interno di Philips e cementando le relazioni tra le divisioni Philips e (emergenti) leader tecnologici nella Silicon Valley Stati Uniti d'America. Tra il 1997 e il 2004 Rene ha portato le attività di Philips Corporate Venturing, inizialmente nella Silicon Valley e poi espandersi in Europa e in Israele, gestione degli investimenti in oltre 40 aziende. Dopo Philips ha deciso di discostarsi dal suo coinvolgimento VC aziendale Rene ceduta con successo il portafoglio entro la fine del 2004. Nel frattempo, è entrato a far reparto di Philips Corporate MA dove è stato anche responsabile per le operazioni di semiconduttori legati e fu determinante per il 6,4 miliardi di cessione di la divisione semiconduttori di Philips, ora chiamato NXP. Nel settembre 2006 Rene aderito al Consumer Electronics Philips in qualità di Vice Presidente, New Business Development, concentrandosi su nuovi spazi di valore per questa divisione di Philips Electronics NV Prima della (ri) entrare Philips Rene ha lavorato per 5 anni nella sede di San Francisco di il Foreign Investment Agency Paesi Bassi, l'agenzia di sviluppo economico del Ministero olandese degli affari economici. Rene Savelsberg conseguito un Master in Ingegneria Industriale di gestione presso la Technical University di Eindhoven, nei Paesi Bassi. Managing Partner Co-fondatore Level-Up Guillaume Lautour, con sede a Londra, è un capitalista esperto venture specializzata nei mezzi creativi e innovazione di prodotto. Egli è Managing Partner e co-fondatore di Level-Up, un fondo di investimento industriale, creato nel 2016 e dedicata a studi di gioco mobile in Europa e in Asia, dal seme alla fase tardo-. In precedenza per 15 anni come partner di Idinvest, una società di private equity con sede a Parigi gestione 6,5 miliardi, con 2 miliardi assegnati al capitale di rischio, Guillaume ha portato al finanziamento di più di 35 start-up europee e statunitensi in Creative Media (giochi, musica, TV, video), Telecomunicazioni e AdTech. I suoi investimenti hanno aiutato la creazione di più di 4 miliardi di valore aziendale e comprendono Deezer, Dailymotion e Criteo. Negli ultimi quattro anni, Guillaume anche finanziato 7 studi di gioco in Europa, tra cui piuttosto semplice e SocialPoint. Global Head of Emerging business IDA Ireland Barry ODowd è Global Head of Emerging business e nuove forme di divisioni di investimento in IDA Ireland. IDA è Irlanda verso l'interno agenzia per la promozione degli investimenti, ed è un corpo semi-stato non commerciale promuovere investimenti diretti esteri in Irlanda attraverso una vasta gamma di servizi. Prima della sua attuale posizione di Barry diretti Divisione Biotecnologie IDA farmaceutica e. Attualmente 9 dei mondi Top 10 aziende farmaceutiche e biotecnologiche hanno le imprese situate in Irlanda e Barry ha portato una squadra di IDA che aveva questi come clienti. Barry ha fatto il suo Master in Trinity College di Dublino in Gestione Strategica ed è un barrister di legge. Dal 2002 -2005 lui e la sua famiglia ha vissuto nel New Jersey, mentre ha lavorato con AkzoNobel. Amministratore Delegato High-Tech Gruenderfonds Dr. Michael Brandkamp è l'amministratore delegato di High-Tech Grnderfonds. Prima di lavorare per High-Tech Grnderfonds ha lavorato come direttore del Dipartimento per l'Innovazione finanziamenti e investimenti all'interno del Gruppo Bancario KfW e come il capo dell'ufficio di Berlino di TBG Technologie-Beteiligungs-Gesellschaft mbH. Dr. Michael Brandkamp studiato Economia presso le Università di Mnster, Nairobi e Bonn. Come un socio di ricerca è stato assegnato un dottorato presso l'Università Tecnica di Freiberg (Sassonia), sulle tecnologie per start-up innovativa Enterprises. General Partner Wellington Partners Con oltre 20 investimenti in società start-up, Rainer è uno di Europa più esperti venture capitalist in Life Sciences. Partecipare Wellington Partners, nel 1997, è diventato un General Partner nel dicembre 2000 con la responsabilità per l'area di investimento delle scienze della vita. I suoi diciannove anni di attività di investimento hanno coinvolto il finanziamento di alcuni tra i più riusciti biotech, medtech, diagnostica europei e le aziende sanitarie informatiche. Alla fine del 1990 ha co-gestito Wellington investimenti nel lettore biotech svizzera Actelion, oggi una società quotata con una capitalizzazione di mercato di oltre quindici miliardi di euro. È stato anche responsabile per gli investimenti in Grandis (acquisita da Novartis), perfetta di visione (acquisita da Bausch & Lomb), NoemaLife (Borsa Italiana: NOE), Wavelight (acquisita da Alcon), Oxford Immunotec (NASDAQ: OXFD), Definiens (acquisita da MedImmune), immatics, 4SC (Deutsche Boerse: VSC), così come MTM Laboratories (acquisita da Roche). Rainer rappresenta Wellington nei consigli di amministrazione delle società in portafoglio invendo medici, Quanta Dialisi Technologies, Genticel (NYSE Euronext: GTCL), NEUWAY Pharma, Miamed, UroMems e iOmx. Prima di entrare in Wellington Partners, Rainer è stato coinvolto nella ricerca medica con una concentrazione maggiore sulla fisiologia cardiovascolare e nella ricerca su economia sanitaria presso la Ludwig-Maximilians-University di Monaco di Baviera, in Germania. Rainer detiene un M. D. in medicina e un M. Sc. in economia, sia da Ludwig-Maximilians-University di Monaco di Baviera, in Germania, ed è stato addestrato presso il Centro imprenditorialità del MIT, Boston, Stati Uniti d'America. Socio Fondatore Medicxi Prima medicxi di co-fondare, Kevin è stato un partner con Index Ventures per 12 anni, dopo aver unito al team di scienze della vita delle imprese nel 2003. Kevin ha guidato indexs primo investimento di asset-centrica sperimentale, in PanGenetics, che in seguito è stata acquisita da Abbott Pharmaceuticals. Attualmente è presidente del Levicept Ltd. Apcintex e Crescendo Biologics, oltre ad essere membro del consiglio di diverse altre start-up. Prima di entrare in Index, Kevin era con Cambridge Antibody Technology (CAT), dove è stato nominato responsabile della ricerca nel 1994 e, nel 1997, Research Director e Chief Technology Officer. Ha guidato lo sviluppo di tecnologie di piattaforma gatti e la loro applicazione nella scoperta di una serie di anticorpi umani, due delle quali sono ora sul mercato: Humira (Abbott Pharmaceuticals) e Benlysta (GlaxoSmithKline). Kevin era parte del team di gestione che galleggiava CAT sulla Borsa di Londra è stata successivamente acquisita da AstraZeneca. Kevin ha ricevuto una laurea in Biologia Molecolare presso l'Università di Edimburgo e un dottorato di ricerca all'Università di Cambridge. Managing Partner Kurma Partners Thierry co-fondato Kurma Partners nel 2009. Ha 25 anni di esperienza in Life Sciences, sia in Venture e nell'industria, ed è un dottorato di ricerca Farmacista e MBA. Thierry ha iniziato la sua carriera nel 1992 come Project Manager per RD Laboratoires Fournier in Giappone. Dopo la laurea presso INSEAD nel 1996, entra a far parte Flamel Technologies, subito dopo la sua quotazione di successo sul Nasdaq, e gestito il portafoglio di sviluppo stadio della società. Nel 1998, si trasferisce a investimenti, prima a Caisse des Dpots (CDC), poi a AGF Private Equity (Allianz Group), dove ha supervisionato il team di investimento di assistenza sanitaria. Thierry ha portato gli investimenti in più di 25 aziende come Actelion, Arpida, Targacept, Adocia, Auris o Erytech. Attualmente è membro del consiglio di Meiogenix, Pathoquest, Blink biomedica, Asarina Pharma e Minoryx. Partner ARAX Capital Partners Christian Tiringer è il fondatore della società di investimento fase iniziale Arax Capital Partners con sede a Vienna. Con particolare attenzione alla high-tech e biotech start-up si trova in Austria, ha partner di entrambe le aziende con i giovani a trovare la loro passo e quelli stabiliti in cerca di una crescita step-funzione. Arax Capital Partners aiutano le organizzazioni a diventare aziende duraturi. All'inizio conteggio affare stadio: 23, investimenti in fasi iniziali: 62mln. Deal evidenza 2016: Nabriva (sviluppatore di nuovi antibiotici, IPO Nasdaq Stock Exchange), Meccatronica (rapida crescita società high-tech specializzata nella cialda sottile trattamento per l'industria dei semiconduttori), Saillabs (Media System Mining, il google per gli analisti e servizi segreti , fornisce metadati e in tempo reale le informazioni chiave provenienti da più fonti in più lingue). Responsabile Investimenti Arancio Ventures digitali Yann Kandelman è Arance Responsabile degli investimenti per lo sviluppo. E 'responsabile di investimenti nelle fasi iniziali di start-up attraverso il fondo arancione Ventures digitali. Egli porta anche investimenti strategici e acquisizioni di società digitali in settori rilevanti per Orange. Nel suo ruolo precedente, Yann è stato responsabile per le partnership Mobile Internet con i principali attori di Internet (Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, eBay) Prima di entrare in arancione nel 2008, ha trascorso 8 anni nel settore della musica lavorando per VirginEMI e Warner Music. Partner ELAIA PARTNERS Samantha si è unito Elaia Partners nel 2008. Ha iniziato la sua carriera come consulente presso Eurogruppo, una società di consulenza specializzata in organizzazione e strategia, all'interno della divisione Banca e delle Finanze. Ha poi aderito Clipperton Finance, società di corporate finance dedicata a imprese in crescita ad alta tecnologia, prima di trasferirsi a Elaia Partners nel 2008. È diventato Gestore degli investimenti nel 2011, poi nel 2014. Partner Istruzione: EDHEC Business School, Schulich Business School di Toronto (Bachelor ), Loyola University di Chicago (MBA) delle competenze: SaaS, e-commerce, Marketplace, Digital media, mobile direttore Otto Gruppo Digital Solutions Attualmente, Paul è a capo Solutions Otto Group Digital. Questo è il braccio innovazione del rivenditore tedesco basato Otto. In precedenza è stato managing partner a Neuhaus Partner dal 2006 al 2012. Si è unito quel fondo privato da SAP AG, dove ha gestito SAP fondo di Venture aziendale in Europa dal 2000 in poi. Dal 1998 al 2000, Paul ha portato l'iniziativa di sviluppo del business europeo di Davis Polk Wardwell, un importante studio legale globale. In precedenza, ha lavorato presso Andersen Consulting e ha contribuito a far crescere un business in fase iniziale finanziamento immobiliare. Partner HR Ventures Ertan Can ha aderito HR Ventures nel 2012 ed è responsabile per gli investimenti diretti e indiretti di rischio. Egli ha investito in più di 20 start-up e fondi di capitale di rischio in Europa, con l'attenzione per viaggi Tech e la mobilità. Prima di entrare in HR Ventures Ertan ricoperto posizioni presso JP Morgan e la società di tecnologia Thomson Reuters. Ha un MBA presso ESCP. Managing Partner Kinstellar Luk EVK è il Managing Partner dell'ufficio Kinstellars Praga e capo della società di CorporateMA pratica, specializzata nel settore delle fusioni e acquisizioni e Corporate Finance. Lui è un avvocato tedesco qualificato e membro degli Ordini tedeschi e cechi. Luk ha più di 20 anni di esperienza nella consulenza ai clienti internazionali sui loro investimenti e disinvestimenti in Emerging Europe. Prima di venire a Praga a metà degli anni 1990, ha maturato esperienze a Francoforte, Monaco e Toronto. Luk era un socio e un partner a NRR Stiefenhofer Lutz (1995 al 2001) e un partner a Linklaters (2002 al 2008). Nel corso degli ultimi 15 anni Luk consigliato clienti internazionali su più di 250 transazioni MA, tra cui privatizzazioni, operazioni di private equity, joint venture, riorganizzazioni e transazioni MA transfrontaliere, che coprono un ampio spettro di settori industriali e dimensioni affare, tra cui privatizzazioni su larga scala, transazioni PE e acquisizioni private. Luk ha anche una significativa esperienza nel finanziamento di acquisizione, sia sul debito bancario rettilineo così come i mercati dei capitali. Luk è anche Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione della Camera di Commercio Britannica in Praga. Managing partner Demeter Partners Sophie Paturle-Guesnerot co-fondatore di Demeter Partners e serve anche come membro del Consiglio di Sorveglianza Emertec Gestion. Demeter Partners è una società di gestione indipendente dedicato alla Cleantech, Ambiente ed Energia di transizione che si è unito le forze con Emertec Gestion dicembre 2016 diventando così il leader europeo nel settore del private equity. Sophie ha un'esperienza di 25 anni nel private equity (Venture Capital, Capital Growth e delle Infrastrutture) ed è stato in precedenza un partner a SGPE (Societ gnrale Private Equity). Ha iniziato la sua carriera come revisore dei conti presso PriceWaterhouseCoopers di Parigi. Sophie serve come un membro del Consiglio di IFP Energies Nouvelles (francese Petrolio e nuove energie Institute) ed è presidente del comitato per il controllo. Lei è un ex membro del Consiglio di AFIC (francese Private Equity Association) e fondò AFIC avec Elles (che mira a promuovere le donne in Private Equity) e presiede il Club Cleantech AFIC. Sophie è laureato in Finanza Aziendale presso l'Institut dEtudes Politiques de Paris, ha conseguito un Master in Economia e un commercialista aziendale qualificato. Lei è un Cavaliere dell'Ordine Nazionale del Merito. Partner Episodio 1 Paul ha avuto una carriera di grande successo in alta tecnologia sia come un alto dirigente e un imprenditore. Più di recente, ha lavorato come Chief Strategy Officer per Cisco Services, una divisione di Cisco 12 miliardi, dove ha guidato la strategia e acquisizioni team globale. In precedenza aveva eseguito una serie di aziende globali di Cisco. Come imprenditore ha fondato ed è uscito due aziende negli Stati Uniti, una società di consulenza innovativo venduto a Cambridge Technology Partners, e il secondo un B2B social network per i CIO venduti a Earthweb. Il suo background in anticipo era nella consulenza, lavorando per Accenture e altre grandi società di consulenza internazionali, tra cui il suo. Ha lavorato in capitale di rischio negli Stati Uniti, e ha una vasta esperienza in molte tecnologie B2B. Ha lavorato anche a livello mondiale, che vive a Shanghai, New York, San Francisco e più paesi europei. Con una passione per la strategia e marketing, e una vasta rete di contatti e di esperienza a cui attingere, Paul gode niente di meglio che lavorare con gli imprenditori a prendere in giro gli obiettivi e le priorità di cui hanno bisogno per rendere operativa la loro visione. CEO co-fondatore AeroMobil imprenditori, investitori, ex artista. Nel 2010 ha co-fondato AeroMobil, una società di ingegneria avanzata che sta commercializzando una macchina volante sofisticato con la visione di rendere il trasporto personale di gran lunga più efficiente, consentendo significativamente più veloce di viaggio porta a porta per le distanze medie o in aree con infrastrutture stradali limitata. Ha oltre 25 anni di esperienza di lavoro come un leader da rivoluzione politica di fondare le proprie aziende di successo. Durante la Rivoluzione di Velluto del 1989 che termina un periodo comunista nella ex Cecoslovacchia, è stato uno dei leader studenteschi chiave. Nel 1992 ha iniziato la sua carriera come direttore creativo per le maggiori agenzie pubblicitarie a livello mondiale. Nel 1996 ha fondato MADE BY Vaculík, ancora una delle principali agenzie pubblicitarie indipendenti nella regione CEE. Juraj agisce come un angelo investitore in vari progetti in UE e negli Stati Uniti. Egli sostiene anche e si siede su una tavola di una serie di organizzazioni non-profit. Michael-Viktor Fischer is Managing Director at SMATRICS a Joint Venture between SIEMENS and VERBUND AG, founded in 2012. SMATRICS is running the largest Austrian wide network of High Speed Charger for E-Cars and is offering a lot of services regarding E-Mobility. From 1998 to 2012 Michael hold many management positions at BMW Group as a Head of the BMW Group China Strategy and a Head of Sales and Marketing BMW Nordic. Between 1996 and 1998 he was working for Mercedes-Benz in Stuttgart. He holds a PhD and a Masters degree in Business Administration of the Economic University of Vienna and did his term abroad at the Harvard University Boston. Managing Partner Venionaire Investment Dan Choon, 33, is Chief Analyst and Founding Partner of Venionaire Invesment, a venture capital fund manager investing in early stage high-tech startup companies in Europe. Dan is responsible of the deal flow and takes care of the thorough technology due diligence of target companies. He likes to help operative business development, accelerating startups in their technology development and connecting them with prospect strategic clients. Dan is Board Member of the European Family Office Alliance based in Luxembourg and Special Advisor to AFO Council of the Asian Family Office Association based in Hong Kong. Before, Dan worked as a technology MA specialist with Ganzfeld, that he founded, performing technical due diligence and IT consulting, developing technology investment strategies for international customers and analyzing technology investment opportunities in Europe and selecting and evaluating the most promising. Managing Partner Frog Capital Mike has been an active investor in growth stage, international companies for the since 1996. Innovation and technology have been at the heart of all of these companies, and Mikes approach involves working closely with management, co-investors and Board Members to build great companies. After twelve years at 3i, Mike launched Frog Capital in 2009 together with a significant European family office. Frog Capital is a leading growth capital investor focused on technology-led businesses in Europe. Frog is a committed long-term partner, investing in ambitious companies with revenue up to 30m and requiring up to 20m of growth capital. Since 2009 has backed entrepreneurs in the security, ecommerce, financial and digital media sectors. CIO German Startups Group Nikolas Samios is Chief Investment Officer of German Startups Group, an evergreen, stage-agnostic venture capital provider that is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. German Startups Group is the most active private VC investor in Germany since 2012 and currently has 46 active investments, including SoundCloud, Delivery Hero, Mister Spex, Auctionata, Onefootball, and many more. Nikolas is a long-standing expert for venture capital and investment management. He has supported entrepreneurs and investors in the implementation of their projects and building (corporate) venture capital companies for over 10 years. As the former CEO of Brandenburg Ventures and founder of Cooperativa Venture Services, he is deeply rooted in the German startup scene and has strong methodological and process competence in all matters related to venture capital. Partner Co-Founder Spintop Ventures Company builder since 1991. Having lived, studied and worked in Boston, Eslv, Frankfurt, London and New York, Ive got a truly global footprint and an unfocused track record that includes being an employee, a serial-entrepreneur and an investor. Co-founded Spintop Ventures in 2009 VC firm investing in Nordic tech companies. Primary personal area of focus is taking really big ideas from the consumer internet, media, fintech and learning sectors from garage to global. Currently on the Board of APPRL, Galton Voysey, LocalizeDirect, ModernCarGroup, Pacemaker and Strossle. Notable exits includes Avito stake sold to Naspers, Scalado acquired by NokiaMicrosoft, and ExpertMaker acquired by eBay. As an investor I have been involved in some 40 investments over a 10-year time period Previously CEO of Nasdaq listed tech company, co-founder of US based consumer retail company acquired ny Genesis Direct and later listed on Nasdaq, senior management positions at American Express and EF Education. BSc in Economics from Iniversity of Lund. MBA Harvard Business School. A former amateur DJ, serial party organiser, avid traveller, thinker and curious explorer of all things new, today I live in London and in airports but like to spend time in the summer house in Sweden. Founding Partner Frontline Ventures Will trained as a Chemical Engineer and worked with Accenture Strategy for 6 years before entering venture capital in 2006. Will co-founded Frontline Ventures, an EU based seed fund, in 2012. Frontline has recently raised its second 60m fund. He has been a seed investor and director of Britebill (acquired by Amdocs), AMCS ( recently funded by Highland Europe Insight Venture Partners) and is currently on the board of Boxever and CurrencyFair. Will is member of the Kauffman Fellows Programme. Principal Rede Partners Yaron Zafir is a Principal at Rede Partners, a London-based independent fund-raising advisor for the private equity industry, which since inception has advised on mandates aggregating over 10 billion for its clients. Yaron heads Redes secondaries practice and is also involved with origination activities across both primary and secondary mandates. With over 13 years of private equity experience, Yaron has led a wide range of GP advisory mandates including fund raisings, fund top-ups, tail-end fund liquidations and manager spin-outs. Prior to joining Rede, Yaron worked for over five years at global private equity investor Paul Capital, where he co-founded the London secondaries deal team, and before that as an investment manager at Cedar Fund, an early stage venture investor. Yaron holds an MBA with distinction from INSEAD and a BSc in Computer Science and Management from Tel Aviv University. Partner DTCP: Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners Thomas is a Partner at Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners and is responsible for the European venture capital activities of the fund. He is a long-term venture capitalist with a track record and is very well known in the European tech industry. His digital entrepreneurial background helps him to understand the challenges in the transformation of an idea into a successful fast growing company. Prior to DTCP Thomas was Founder and Managing Partner of a 100m venture capital fund, acted as Head of MA for a leading global media group, was a long-term Managing Partner at German venture capital pioneer Neuhaus Partners and gained broad entrepreneurial experiences from the foundation of several companies. Thomas studied at the University of Hamburg and holds a master in technical economics. Managing Partner Creathor Venture With almost 10 years of experience in venture capital, as a Managing Partner Cdric Khler specializes in innovative business concepts in the technology sector. Prior to joining Venture Creathor Cdric Khler worked several years as a business consultant at Synpulse in Zurich, where he was involved in projects in the areas of CRM, web applications, customer retention systems and business development. He has a masters degree in business administration and majored in business informatics. He gained venture capital experience at the Technologieholding VC GmbH along with international work experience in France and the US in particular. He attended the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel. CEO, Founder Speedinvest Oliver is a serial entrepreneur with deep experience in the mobile and internet industry. He has a long history of successful founding, including one of the first European internet start-ups back in 1997, while he was still in university, and a lot of experience in high management positions. He later pivoted the company towards mobile and in 2004 formed 3united AG, a 3-way merger that created a top European player in mobile content. Early 2006, 3united was acquired by VeriSign for 55M. After working a few years in a high management position at Verisign in the Silicon Valley, he moved back to Austria where he created a platform for business angels before he raised 10M to found Speedinvest, a fund dedicated to revolutionize European venture capital by not only investing capital, but also providing entrepreneurial know-how and operational experience. The fund has already achieved four exits and several follow-up financings by international top-investors. Speedinvest II was launched in 2015 with a volume of 90M. Speedinvest currently has offices in Vienna, Munich and in the Silicon Valley. The main investment targets are IT, fintech, media and e-commerce start-ups. Managing Partner 3TS Capital Mr. Mki is the Managing Partner of 3TS and is primarily responsible for general management of 3TS. Previously, Mr. Mki was the Managing Partner of Red Catalyst Ltd. a strategic business development consultancy and an investment boutique. He has also been an entrepreneur and executive in management consulting and with advertising agencies across Central and Eastern Europe and in Finland. A true European Mr. Mki speaks five languages and has studied at Helsinki University of Technology, IESE Business School in Barcelona, Universidad Complutense in Madrid and Wirschaftsuniversitt in Vienna. Investment Manager aws Grnderfonds Prior to his appointment at aws Grnderfonds, Florian Resch was in charge of business development activities at Jollydays GmbH in Vienna, where he gained operating experience as the co-founder of an internet start-up. Until 2014, Florian Resch spent four years working in the area of MA advisory, including for Ernst Young. He studied International Economic Law in Vienna and Stanford. Florian Resch joined aws Grnderfonds as an investment manager in 2015. Blockchain Pioneer. Matejs interest in online privacy was fueled first while studying Computer Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne where he completed a project implementing privacy protection of mobile devices at Nokia Research Center. Since 2011 he became extensively involved with Bitcoin. Mining at his own laptop in the beginning, later switching to GPUs and ASICs. He served as the CEO of many Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency conferences in Austria, China, Belgium, UK (BitcoinExpo, Central European Bitcoin Expo, BTC2B Congress) and more. Matej founded the first Bitcoin Marketing agency in the world. He also founded the first Cryptocurrency e-Gaming Consulting Firm and served as a consultant in the Isle of Man. Matej is a regular speaker at major conferences about the immense potential and vertical integration of Blockchain Technologies into various industries. He now serves as CEO of DECENT and Chairman of the Board of Blockchain RD Hub, and is on the mission to lead the redefinition of the internet enabled by DECENT Blockchain Network. Partner Credo Ventures Andrej is a partner at a Prague-based venture capital fund Credo Ventures covering early stage startups in Central Europe. Prior to Credo, Andrej worked at an early growth fund Benson Oak, the first backer of AVG Technologies, which is the only Czech company to IPO at the New York Stock Exchange. Managing Partner Neulogy Ventures Christian co-founded SkyEurope in 2001, a Central European low-cost airline based in Slovakia, which he managed until 2007 as Chief Executive Officer. He took SkyEurope public on the Vienna and Warsaw stock exchanges in 2005 before exiting his investment in 2007. In 2009, Christian took over the assets of Maporama, a leading French provider of digital mapping solutions for professional users. He restructured the company and sold it in March 2013 to TIBCO Software, a NASDAQ-listed company. Christian is a member of the Venturepreneurs Organization, a European network of business angels, and has been selected in 2013 as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. Managing Partner Founder Experior Venture Fund Marzena is a Managing Partner and the Founder of Experior Venture Fund, responsible for the overall Funds operations. She has an extensive experience in managing companies at the supervisory board level in various sectors, including Chairman of the Supervisory Board (BPH TFI SA, Celtic Property Developments SA, Polski Gaz SA and other). She has spent almost 20 years as a manager and head of Polish investment banking operations of international institutions: Raiffeisen Investment Polska, West LB Panmure, HSBC Financial Services. She is an expert in area of capital markets, raising capital, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring. She is active in supporting women led companies Marzena is a mentor in Vital Voices and Foundation for Women Entrepreneurship. Laszlo R. Czirjak Co-Founder Managing Partner iEurope Capital Laszlo R. Czirjak, Co-FounderManaging Partner at iEurope Capital, a private equityventure capital fund management firm. Investment and board role experience includes successfully building technology businesses in services, Internet, software, manufacturing and media including: ATech, Beerides, Tjobs, Vatera, Wunder and many others. Earlier was Managing Director at Bankers Trust CompanyBT Alex Brown in the London Investment Bank. Also served as current or past Chair roles at American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary (including its Governance, Transparency and Entrepreneurship Committee), Fulbright Foundation Hungary, United Way Resource Foundation, and Columbia University Club of Hungary. Received an MBA and BS in Industrial Engineering, both with honors, from Columbia University in New York. Founding Partner Eleven Daniel Tomov, co-founder at Eleven Ventures, has been investing in some of the most promising and exciting tech startups in CEE since 2012 - 115 investments to date. Entrepreneur by heart and VC by occupation, he was involved in early stage companies since 2000 as investor and a founder in diverse domains ranging from technology to retail to renewable energy. Since 2015 he has become board member at EBAN with the mission to further support entrepreneurs in CEE. Dr Trettnak (1976) is a CorporateMA Partner at Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati Rechtsanwlte GmbH with its headquarter in Vienna and several offices in CEE. Studies of Law and Business in Austria, Spain and the United States of America (Mag, Dr. iur. LL. M. Masters Degree in Business Administration at Kellogg School of Management (CM)) admitted in Austria (2005) and in New York (2003). Partner at CHSH since 2010. Advises domestic and international clients mainly in cross-border MA, Venture Capital and Private Equity transactions as well as in Restructurings. Areas of Practice: - MA, Venture Capital Private Equity - Insolvency Restructuring - Corporate - (Corporate) Reorganizations, Restructurings Alexander Sasha Galitsky Co-founder Managing partner Almaz Capital Alexander Galitsky is a Managing Partner of Almaz Capital Partners, a venture fund with offices in Portola Valley, CA, and Moscow, Russia and which is backed by Cisco Systems, EBRD and IFC, which he co-founded in 2008. Alexander is a well-known innovator, entrepreneur and investor in USA, Europe and RussiaCIS. Alexander serves as Member of the Skolkovo Foundation Board, Member of Skoltech Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Advisor Committee for Russian Venture Company. Alexander was honored numerous times as the most influential person in the Russian IT and Internet industry by Forbes, best GP of 2013 by Venture Awards, EY Entrepreneur of the Year in Russia in 2013, was nominated for best venture capitalist of the last decade in Europe in 2012 by Investor AllStars and named Technology Pioneer at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2000. Prior to Almaz, Alexander formed the ICT investment practice at Russian Technologies, one of the first venture capital funds in Russia and made a series of private successful investments. His past and current investments include: Parallels, Yandex (IPO), QIK (sold to Skype), Vyatta (sold to Brocade), Acumatica, Jelastic, NavMaps (sold to TeleAtlas), Acronis, SJLabs (sold to VocalTec), EverNote, GridGain, WikiMart, CarPrice, StarWind, PIQ, Good Data among others. Sasha was a President of the first Russian TechTour in 2004. Prior to his investment career, he founded five successful high-tech companies, ELVIS, TrustWorks Systems (sold to Hamsard), EzWIM (sold to TMT Ventures), ELVIS Telecom (sold to Telenor) and NPC ELVIS, all of which he led as CEO. He pioneered in WiFi and Virtual Private Network technologies and product development on the global market in partnership with Sun Microsystems and was a pioneer of the Russian Internet industry back in the 90s. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Alexander served as one of the top technical executives for the Soviet space industry, where he worked on the MIR space station and the Soviet Star Wars response. He has over 30 patents for numerous inventions, including parallel processing, WiFi and VPN security technologies. He received his PhD in Computer Science from joint authority of Defense Research Institute and MIPT and graduated from MIET from the physical science department. Managing Partner Ventech I joined VENTECHParis in 2013 as the firms fourth Equity Partner with the mission to spearhead our investment activities in the DACH region, operating out of our Paris and Munich offices. Since then I am spending a good part of my time proactively seeking investment opportunities in exciting high-growth companies in the DACH region. Cologne-based Picanova (web-based mass customization for wall decoration products), Berlin-based TV Smiles (Second screen loyalty program), Munich-based Speexx (blended learning solutions for large corporates), European Games Group (next gen F2P Online Games Publisher) and FinTec Systems (Real Time Financial Data Access) are among our current portfolio companies in Germany. Rather exceptionally I led the series A round for a California-based semi-conductor company. Looking back on 18 years of hands-on innovation financing I personally invested about 120m with Ventech and as a former Partner with TVM CapitalMunich-Boston (1998-2008) and OMNES CapitalParis(2009-2013). This included leadco-lead investments into Tantau Inc. (NSDQ: 247 Systems), T. I.M. E (acquired by Genesys S. A.), Telesnap (acquired by Netwise AB), CoreOptics (acquired by Cisco), Silicon Hive (acquired by Intel), Netviewer (acquired by Citrix), Definiens (acquired by MedImmune), Arteris (1st gen, acquired by Qualcomm), Plista (acquired by GroupM), Netzoptiker (acquired by MyOptique Group), Trusted Shops (Certification - and Confidence Solutions for e-Tailers), Turtle Entertainment (Digital Media Group for e-Sports, acquired by the Modern Times Group), TennisPoint (Europes leading Tennis-Sport and Apparel e-Tailer). Trust You (SaaS-Provider for Online Reputation Management). Prior to joining the VC Industry in 1998, I spent 10 years in Europes Telecommunications Industry and hold an EE MSc. with the Technical University of Karlsruhe (D), University of Essex (ColchesterUK) and Ecole Suprieure des Ingnieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique (ParisF). Director London office Singapore Innovate Zach Tan is director London office of Singapore Innovate (formerly Infocomm Investments). He established the firms presence in Europe and is a tech optimist who enjoys working with young companies on those near-impossible business and tech challenges that improve lives. Partner Redalpine Venture Capital Harald is a Partner at early-stage Venture Capital firm Redalpine, investing in European Health-Tech and ICT start-ups. Prior to that he worked in various roles at banks BNP Paribas and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. He holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Vienna University of Technology and an MSc in Financial Economics from Oxford University. Manager HPSU ICT Enterprise Ireland Working within Enterprise Irelands High Potential Start-Up (HPSU) Division, Joe leads the Accelerate team which is responsible for ensuring that the next generation of HPSU companies are identified, funded and supported to scale their international growth. Enterprise Ireland funds over 200 early stage projects and start up companies every year, the majority of which are Tech ICT based. In 2016, Pitchbook ranked Enterprise Ireland as 8th globally and no. 1 in the UK and Ireland in terms of the global seed funding rounds since 2010. Prior to working with HPSUs, Joe has worked in range of role including commercial due diligence, the Food and beverage sectors, managed the EI Equity portfolio and led Corporate Services and Policy. Partner WMWP Rechtsanwlte GmbH Regular advice to domestic and international clients in particular in the fields of corporate, MA, restructuring, banking and capital markets law. Specialist for the needs of corporates in their full life-circle from their start-up to growth and even to restructuring phase. Excellent support for fintech companies. Guides investors from investment phase to their exit. Attorney of law. Member of the Vienna Bar. Holds a master degree of the law faculty of the University of Vienna and a Masters of Laws of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Doctor of legal science of Alma Mater Rudolphina Vindobonensis. Frequent speaker on conferences and holds seminars on banking and corporate law issues. In-depth insight into the financial industry through several years in various management and supervisory board positions in an international banking group. Patrick holds a Masters degree in finance and accounting from Paris Dauphine University. He began his career as an auditor at Ernst Young. He then joined Gaumont, the leading French movie production company, as internal auditor, then deputy CFO. In 2000, Patrick joined the Cryo Group, a prominent video games producer and publisher, as CFO, and in 2002 became Chief Operating Officer of Xilam Animation, a cartoon producer. His broad scope of responsibility at Xilam included structuring the company following its IPO, and managing relations with investors and the financial community. From early April 2008 onwards, Patrick cofounded Newfund with Franois Veron. He is directly involved with the companies of the portfolio, in accordance with the strategy of active support of entrepreneurs developed by Newfund. Investment Director Investnet AG Andreas R. Bou is Investment Director at Investnet GmbH, Austrian subsidiary of Switzerland based Investnet AG. Investnet is one of the largest networks for direct investments in SMEs in the German speaking countries. Previously he was senior investment manager for aws Mittelstandsfonds, an Austrian based private equity fund sponsored by the government, and investment manager at IPO Austria, the private equity branch of public listed MTH Group. Before attending the European Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (completed with distinction and a Ph. D. thesis about value added of private equity investors) he was investment analyst at T-Venture, the corporate venture capital company of Deutsche Telekom in Bonn and Munich. Andreas studied in Germany, Austria, Sweden and Spain, is author of several publications about private equity and venture capital and university lecturer. Founding Partner Avedon Capital Partners Hannes is founding partner of Avedon CP and was investment director at the predecessor fund NIBC Capital Partners. He is responsible for the activities in Germany. Prior to this, Hannes was an investment manager for IKB Private Equity in Germany. During his time at IKB Private Equity he focused on investments in automotive, manufacturing and ICT industries. Before joining IKB Private Equity, Hannes was a manager in the Strategic Planning Department for Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars Smart at DaimlerChrysler. In his role as manager he led various strategic projects. He holds a master degree in Business Administration from Vienna University for Business and Economics and holds a post-graduate master in Finance degree from Rotterdam School of Management. Vice President General Atlantic Christian Figge is based in the Munich office of General Atlantic. Christian serves on the board of directors for KuferPortal and is also a board observer for FlixbusMeinFernbus. Prior to joining General Atlantic, Mr. Figge was a research assistant at the Technical University of Munich with a focus on empirical entrepreneurial finance topics. Before that Mr. Figge worked at BC Partners and L. E.K. Consulting, where he focused on the business services, healthcare and industrial sectors. Christian earned a B. A. in Economics and Management from Oxford University, an M. A.in Economics from Ludwig Maximilian University Munich and a Ph. D. in Economics from the Technical University Munich. In 2015 Johannes joined i5invest as Director in Corporate Development MA. He primarily focuses on planning and executing corporate development and business development projects for companies in the tech, mobile and Industry 4.0 space. Before joining i5invest Johannes worked for private equity firms in Germany and Austria such as VREP (formerly DZ Equity Partners) in Frankfurt and Austro Holding (a Private Equity Fund managed by Dr. Grossnigg) in Vienna. He led several successful transactions and was responsible for operational and business development projects with portfolio companies in the respective funds. Whilst a project manager in the Corporate Finance practice of PwC, Johannes was responsible for MA transactions and Corporate Finance projects including MA Lead Advice, Due Diligence, Financial Modelling and Valuation. His clients included international corporates as well as Austrian SMEs in various industries including logistics, industrial and equipment manufacturing as well as renewable energy. He has worked in 3 continents, establishing an international network across Europe, the US and Asia, especially in Hong Kong and China. Based on this, Johannes has substantial experience and expertise working for international corporate clients in cross-border deals as well as structuring and executing transactions. As well as his international network, Johannes also has an extensive network within the Austrian industrial space. Johannes studied business administration in Austria and the United States, specializing in Corporate Finance, Accounting and Strategy. He is also a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA). Managing Partner Clairfield International Berend is a corporate finance specialist and Managing Partner at Clairfield International Austria. He has over 20 years of experience in MA, strategic and cross border acquisitions capital raisings. He and his team are among the most active Tech MA advisers in Austria and closed 7 transactions in the last 18 month. Berend held various senior management and managing director positions in corporate finance and mergers and acquisition advisory before co-founding his own MA boutique COM Partners in 1999. He worked as Director at Investment Fund Sector Capital in Moscow and later as Director Poland at the European Privatization Investment Corporation (EPIC). COM Partners specialized on midmarket MA advisory in the dynamic telecommunications and Internet sector. From 2008-2015 COM Partners formed a franchise alliance with Corporate Finance Partners in Germany and as of 2016 became truly international by joining Clairfield International with over 40 offices in 23 countries. Berend was born in the Netherlands and holds a degree in Economics with a focus on finance at the University of Groningen. Executive Director Adveq Benjamin Alt covers Adveqs investment activity in Europe. Before joining Adveq in 2008, Benjamin worked in the Investment Banking division of Sal. Oppenheim in Frankfurt and Cologne, Germany. During his studies in Germany he organized the well known Congress for Family Businesses at the University of WittenHerdecke. Benjamin holds a Masters degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Private University of WittenHerdecke, Germany. Managing Director Portfolio Advisors Peter is a Managing Director of Portfolio Advisors, which he joined in 2009 to support Portfolio Advisors European activities in our Zurich office. Previously, he was a Partner at VCM Capital Management, a German-based private equity fund of funds firm, where he focused on conducting due diligence on European and U. S. private equity partnerships and advising institutional clients. Prior to joining VCM in 2006, Peter had eleven years of private equity investing experience as a Director with CAM Private Equity, a Managing Director with Sal. Oppenheim and a Director with AXA-Colonia in Germany. Prior to that, Peter worked as a Senior Financial Analyst with FedEx in Germany and as a Controller for Colonia Insurance. Managing Director AEM Unternehmerkapital Andreas Rainer is Managing Director at AEM Unternehmerkapital. AEM as Family Office is investing the private wealth of a group of German families. The focus is on long term small to midcap investments in well established companies. Currently Andreas is Managing Director of A-Z Gartenhaus GmbH, a AEM portfolio company. Prior to AEM Andreas was managing the Private Equity arm of a Munich based Family office and Managing Director of a PE owned market research company. Previously he worked as Project Leader at the Boston Consulting Group. Andreas holds an MBA with distinction from INSEAD. Founding Partner YIELCO Investments Uwe Fleischhauer, born 1964, is Founding Partner and Managing Director of YIELCO Investments AG, Munich (Germany) YIELCO, established in 2011, is an innovative alternative investment boutique with focus on the asset class Infrastructure as well as Private Debt and Private Equity (Special Situations) and offering Fund of Funds solutions (so called Multi Manager Portfolio) as discretionary product approach as well as customized Managed Account solutions and alternative Advisory on a non-discretionary basis. Today, YIELCO has roughly 1.6bn Euro assets under management (advisory), in total over the three mentioned asset classes, and has successfully launched well diversified fund of funds products for all three above mentioned asset classes. Before YIELCO, he worked almost 14 years (1998 to 2011) in his own private equity advisory firm Fleischhauer, Hoyer Partner (FHP), Private Equity Consultants. There, Uwe performed advisory and consulting projects for institutional investors around the asset class private equity incl. all sub-segments as well as infrastructure. He has been one of Germanys most respected independent researchers and published on a regular basis market surveys and studies on current topics in private equity infrastructure. Beforehand, Uwe was more than seven years (1992-1998) a management consultant project leader at international consulting firms Mercer Management Consulting and Arthur D. Little. He graduated in Business Administration from University of Bremen, followed by a postgraduate (Diploma) in European Enterprise Management at Dorset Business School in Bournemouth (England) and University of Barcelona (Spain). Managing Director Brockhaus Private Equity Dr. Marcel Wilhelm is Managing Director and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) at Brockhaus Private Equity. In this capacity, he also acts as the firms General Counsel and Head of Fund Administration. Launched in 2000, Brockhaus Private Equity specializes in buy-outs and growth financings with a focus on innovation and technology leaders in Germanys Mittelstand. Several Brockhaus Private Equity portfolio firms have succeeded in becoming global leaders in their respective industries while generating outstanding value for investors through high-profile exits, including, among others, Wirecard AG (IPO) and 360 Treasury Systems AG (Divestment to Deutsche Brse). Today, Brockhaus Private Equity manages and advises funds with more than 285 million in total capital raised. Marcel holds a degree in law from the University of Passau as well as a doctoral degree in law from the University of Essen-Duisburg and was admitted to the Munich bar in 2001. Prior to joining Brockhaus Private Equity in 2006, he was a tax lawyer and team leader with Rdl Partner, advising multinational corporations on their investment strategies in Germany. Senior Advisor VERDEXUS Inc. Suresh Patel is the London based senior international investment advisor at Verdexus, a Canadian headquartered fund that invests in early stage and later stage companies. Sureshs proven leadership abilities combined with deep technical and operations expertise provides a solid foundation to advise entrepreneurs in building solid companies. Previously Suresh was Head of Strategy and Corporate Development at Compaq, responsible for the 1Bn Corporate fund investing in the EMEA region. Suresh came into the Venture world after working internationally for Netscape (Marc Andreessen). Suresh has held senior executive posts at IBM, Apple, Virgin and BMW. Suresh has started multiple technology, aviation and hospitality related start-ups in Europe and today seeks only the best start-ups to invest in within Europe. Working with private funds, family offices and business super angels Suresh likes to find business opportunities in all sectors and create deals from early to late investment through to exit. Currently a new independent fund (Superfounders. vc) is being set up to focus on technology start ups from Central and Southern Europe. Suresh has a dual Masters from The Vienna University of Economics Business in Austria and The Carlson School of Management, USA. Director DB Private Equity Ulrich Eilers is a Director of DB Private Equity GmbH and focuses on co-investments in German speaking countries. Prior to joining DB PE in 2009 he worked for CAM Private Equity in Cologne, where he was responsible for identifying and analyzing Private Equity funds, secondary transactions and direct investments. Prior thererto, he worked for 3i Group plc, a listed British Private Equity company, for 13 years. As a member of the German Investment Committee he assumed responsibility for investments in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and, in addition, managed two German regional funds. Ulrich holds a degree in international business studies and an MBA from IESE Business School of the University of Navarra and is fluent in German, English and Spanish. Head of Equity PMV Roald Borr serves as Head of Equity Investments at Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen NV. In 2011, after a period of five years as an Entrepreneur, Mr. Borr joined the ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV). Mr. Borr serves as Manager of PMV-TINA. He started his professional career at the Financieel Economische Tijd as a Financial Analyst, specialized in high tech companies in the field of ICT and Biotech. In 1999, he joined Puilaetco Private Bankers as Senior Fund Manager and managed various investment funds in different fields of innovation, a position he held until 2006. He serves as a Non-Executive Director of Biocartis Group NV and as a Board Member in different portfolio companies. He is a Member of different advisory boards. Mr. Borr graduated as a Master in Economic and Financial Sciences (HUB, Brussels, 1996). Managing Director aws Mittelstandsfonds Karl Lankmayr is Managing Director of aws Mittelstandsfonds, an entrepreneurial growth equity fund in Austria, which offers equity capital and mezzanine investments for innovative small and medium enterprises. In addition he holds various supervisory board positions in mostly technology focused companies. Previously he was co-founder and managing partner of Noreia Capital, a leading MA consulting and investment company, as well as CFO of a large steel trading company operating in CEE. Furthermore he has 10 years of Investment Banking and consulting experience gained at companies such as Raiffeisen Investment, PwC Corporate Finance, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein and McKinsey. Karl Lankmayr studied in Austria and Australia and holds a masters degree in international business administration. Managing Partner Co-CEO SwanCap Partners Andreas Bohn is Co-CEO Managing Partner of SwanCap Partners, a leading independent private markets investment management platform with offices in Munich, Luxembourg, Milan and New York. Prior to joining SwanCap in 2015, Andreas worked for 22 years in a wide range of investment banking and private equity related functions at UniCreditHypovereinsbank, most recently serving as a Management Board member at UniCredit Bank AG and as a member of the Global UniCredit Corporate Investment Banking Executive Committee. He co-founded and for many years led UniCredits Leveraged Finance business, which provided total debt financing in excess of 50 billion for over 400 private equity sponsored transactions in the European market. He also established the Private Equity Principal Investments business of UniCredit, which committed a total of ca. 5bn to virtually all leading private equity sponsors, through primary and secondary fund investments as well as co-investments. Andreas received an MBA from Ludwig-Maximilians University and a PhD in Strategic Management from the University of Munich. Erik Hdl is counsel at Barnert Egermann Illigasch Attorneys at Law (BEIRA). He regularly advises Austrian and international banks, financial institutions and funds on a broad spectrum of financings ranging from senior unsecured to complexly structured transactions, both domestic and cross-border. Moreover, he acts for corporate clients in various industry sectors advising them on all kinds of their financings. He also has extensive experience in the field of restructuring and insolvency and has been involved in some of the largest solvent and insolvent restructurings and insolvencies in Austria, acting both for creditors as well as for debtors. Erik was born in Dusseldorf, Germany. He studied law at the University of Vienna and worked as scientific assistant at the Department for Civil Law at the University of Vienna, where he also obtained a doctorate in law. Before joining BEIRA, Erik worked six years for Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Vienna and Amsterdam. He speaks German and English. Partner PUSH Ventures Lukas is an Austrian Business Angel who started investing in start-ups in 2013. His portfolio currently includes companies like mySugr, whatchado, anyline, myClubs, Linemetrics and hitbox. He was awarded Austrian Busines Angel of the Year 2016 (aaia). Recently, he co-founded PUSH Ventures, an early stage venture capital firm, based in Vienna. Apart from helping tech companies grow, he leads a family owned renewable energy company that owns and operates wind power plants in Austria and Hungary. Lukas is married and a father of two boys. He enjoys living in Vienna as much as travelling the world. On his agenda for 2017: taking 3 months off to tour Europe with his family in a camper van. Managing Partner OXO Group Pter Oszk is the Founder Managing Partner of OXO Group including OXO Labs, OXO Angels and OXO Ventures. OXO Labs was founded in 2014, as an accelerator scaling startups from the CEE region to global markets. OXO Angels is assembling specific angels who are active in the CEE region. He is the Chairman Founding Partner of Power Angels as well, which is an open ended angel fund and a regional angel network with about 15 other founding partners. Recently, OXO group extended its activity by establishing OXO Ventures, the VC business line managing the investment of insititutional LPs in a regional fund. Managed assets reaches EUR 50M in 2017. He started his carreer at Big4 firms, he was made parter at Deloitte 7 years after finishing university studies and 2 years later he became the Managing Partner of Deloitte Hungary. In 2009 he took Finance Minister position for one year in the technocrat government of Hungary before the general elections of 2010. From 2010 he joined the VC industry first by taking the CEO position of the VC management company of OTP group, from 2014 he formed his own independent firm under the brand OXO. Partner G4 Investments Karol is investor and manager of G4 INVESTMENTS, which has portfolio of about 30 mil eur in 30 investments in Slovakia. G4 invests in equity, loans, real estate, startups and funds. G4 was based in 2011 after karols succesfull exit from slovakians biggest internet portal Azet. before karol held marketing and product positions in T-Mobile and T-Com. married, three children. Managing Partner CEO Venionaire Capital Berthold Baurek-Karlic is a venture capital expert, serial entrepreneur and business angel. Over the past 10 years. He is the driving force behind key operations and scaling business development of the corporate finance and venture capital advisory Venionaire Capital. The financial expert is the European Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) by the Austrian Financial Markets Authority with a license for transnational management of EuVECA funds. In addition, Mr. Baurek-Karlic is Co-Founder of the education platform Courseticket as well as the high-tech startup System7 rail support and he is initiator of the Business Angel Institute . Senior Manager KPMG Austria Jrgen Lederer is Senior Manager at KPMG. He specializes in audits of financial statements and consolidated financial statements, the design and implementation of accounting and reporting processes as well as transaction related-advisory projects. He is member of KPMG Smart-Start Austria, the start-up initiative of KPMG Austria. In this connection, on main focus of his work refers to the audit and consulting of start-ups and of stakeholders in the start-up environment. Rudolf Kinsky is Senior Partner Austria of DPE Deutsche Private Equity GmbH, a Munich-based GP focused on mid-market transactions in German-speaking Europe. He is Chairman of the board of AVCO, the Austrian Venture Capital and Private Equity Organisation. Rudolf looks back on an international career that spans over 35 years in private equity, investment banking and management consulting in the USA, UK, Germany, Austria and CEE. He worked at 3i Group, Charterhouse, Dresdner Bank, McKinsey Co. and First Boston. He also has his own company, Kinsky Capital Management GmbH, advising companies and non-for-profit organisations. As an Austrian citizen Rudolf lives in Vienna. He is married and has five children. He received a law degree from the University of Salzburg, an LL. M. from Harvard Law School as well as an MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.

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